Dr. SOUBRANE Philippe

Orthopaedics surgeon


  • Orthopaedics

Language Spoken




Understands creole (local language)

Areas of specialization

Arthroplasty (joint replacements-primary and revision) (Hip, knee, Shoulder, ankle, elbow)

Arthroscopy (keyhole surgery)

Sports medicine

Trauma (Fracture, dislocations)

Paediatric Orthopaedics

Joint Replacement

Spine Surgery

Hand and foot surgery

Domaines d’intervention

Chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique

Chirurgie prothétique de la hanche, du genou et de l’épaule

Chirurgie arthroscopique du genou et de l’épaule

Chirurgie de la main

Chirurgie du pied pour l’hallux valgus

Professional Qualifications/Diplomas

Diplôme Inter-Universitaire* (DIU) arthroscopies (Paris)

DIU Chirurgie de la main et du membre supérieur (Paris)

DIU Microchirurgie (Paris)

DIU Chirurgie du Rachis (Paris)

Diplôme D’Études Spécialisées Complémentaires (DESC) d’Orthopédie (Paris)

DES Chirurgie (Paris)

DEA Master de Génie Biologique et Médical à l’ENSAM (Paris)

Work Experience

Department of orthopedic and traumatology surgery – Clinique Geoffroy Saint Hilaire 75005 Paris France

Department of orthopedic and traumatology surgery –Private Hospital Paul d’Egine, 94500 Champigny sur Marne France

Assistant professor – Orthopedic and Traumatology Surgery Department (Pr. Doursounian) – Saint Antoine Hospital, Paris France

During this time (1995 up till January 2021) approximately 25 000 surgical orthopedic interventions including:

Hip arthroplasty (primary case and revision around 3000 cases)

Knee arthroplasty (primary and revision cases around 3000 cases )

Knee and shoulder arthroscopy (cuff repair, acromioplasty, bank hart arthroscopic procedure, ligamentoplasty, meniscectomy…more than 7000 cases)

Traumatology of lower and upper limb and hand surgery (carpal tunnel release, fasciectomy for Dupuytren disease, trigger finger release and surgery for tendon’s section representing the rest of surgical procedure)

Mainly planned interventions treated by Arthroscopic approach for Shoulder and Knee pathology and Prosthetic surgery for Hip and Knee arthritis

During all this time participation for scientific conferences and training in France (SOFCOT, SFA, live surgery) and congresses (Cape town, Geneve, Bale Barcelone, Bucarest, La Havane, Martinique, Mauritius, Dubai, Doha)

From November 2000 to end of 2002


Assistant to the Head of Orthopedic and Traumatology Surgery Department – Hopitaux de Paris (Prof. Apoil) Saint Antoine Hospital, Paris France

Surgical procedure concerning upper, lower limb and spine surgery.

From November 1995 to October 2000:


Teaching Hospital : University of PARIS: Interne des hôpitaux de PARIS, France

From May 2000 to October 2000:

Orthopedic and Traumatology Surgery Department – Garches Hospital (Prof. JUDET)

From Nov 1999 to April 2000:

Orthopedic and Traumatology Surgery Department – Cochin Hospital PARIS 14eme (Prof. TOMENO)

From May 1999 to Oct 1999

Pediatric Orthopedic and Traumatology Surgery Department- Robert Debre Hospital PARIS 19eme (Prof. PENNECOT)

From Nov 1998 to April 1999

Orthopedic and Traumatology Surgery Department-Tenon Hospital PARIS 20eme(Prof. JUDET)

From Nov 1997 to Oct 1998: Visceral Surgery Department – Versailles Hospital (Doc. LESTIENNE)

From May 1997 to Oct 1997

Orthopedic and Traumatology Surgery Department- Saint Antoine Hospital (Prof. APOIL) PARIS 12eme

From Nov 1996 to April 1997:

Cardiovascular Surgery Department -Tenon Hospital PARIS 20eme (Prof. NUSSEAUME)

From May 1996 to Oct 1996:

Otorhinolaryngology Surgery Department – Poissy Hospital (Doc. RENOU)

From Nov 1995 to April 1996:

Otorhinolaryngology Surgery Department – BEAUJON Hospital (Prof. STERKERS)

Consultation at C-Care Wellkin







Consultation at C-Care Grand Baie



Consultation at C-Care Darné

