Dr. SUMMAH Hanssa



  • Pneumology

Professional Qualifications

MBBS, MD Respiratory Medicine

DU Prise en charge Infection VIH, Hépatites Virales et Addictologies

Fellowship in Interventional Pulmonology

Work Experience

Pulmonologist in the public sector

Advanced training in diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopy and pleuroscopy


Sub-specialisation in Interventional Pulmonology

Multiple research studies and publications in international peer-reviewed journals

Areas of Specialisation

Respiratory infections including tuberculosis and other lung infections.

Chronic lung conditions including asthma, COPD, bronchiectasis, interstitial lung diseases.

Interventional pulmonology including medical thoracoscopy and advanced bronchoscopy diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Lung function testing.

Sleep apnea.

Consultation at C-Care Darné

